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Showing posts from September, 2020


  30+ common spices in Ghana: local names and uses 22 days ago 193767 views by  Adeaga Favour  Apart from her historical heritage, extraordinary scenic beauty, and rich cultural diversity, Ghana is also home to some of the best range of dishes served in either international restaurants or street stalls. The country's delicacies are simple yet flavourful. Several spices in Ghana contribute to these sumptuous meals adding outstanding health benefits.   Part of the secret behind Ghana's delicious meals is their spices.  Virtually every home in the country has a range of spices, including chili pepper, thyme, ginger cayenne, and bay leaf, which are used as seasonings. While some are stored by smoking, some others are through drying, freezing, salting, and roasting. The health benefits of these spices are part of what makes them essential ingredients in every meal. For instance, African bird pepper makes your chicken cuisine hot and helps lower blood pressure. This is why knowledge

Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Mental and Neurological Disorders in Ghana-TABLE 4

  Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Mental and Neurological Disorders in Ghana Table 4 Local names, plant parts, and methods of preparation of traditional African medicines used in treating nervous system and mental disorders in Ghana. Species Family Growth forms Local names in different languages Voucher specimen Frequency of mention Plant part used Method of preparation Ageratum conyzoides Asteraceae Herb Ewe : mima, Nyigbe;  Fante : Ahaban Kankan, Efumomoe;  Twi : Gu-ekuro, Adwoa-kura, Guakuo, Gu-ekura;  Nzema : Ebuakulo;  Ga-Dangme : Ntumumu PA01/UGSOP/GH17 3 Leaves The fresh leaves are macerated and the liquid obtained is instilled into the nostrils; the fresh leaves can also be boiled, sieved and drank as required. Allium sativum Liliaceae Herb Twi : Gyene Kankan;  Ga Adangme : Aya;  Hausa : Tafarmuwa PA02/UGSOP/GH17 2 Whole plant - Alstonia boonei Apocynaceae Tree Twi:  Nyame-dua, Nyamedua, Onyamedua, Osen Nuru;  Ewe:  Siaketreke  Fante:  Nyena,Sinuro,Nyamedua;  Nzema: 

Herbal Medicines Used for the Treatment and Management of Human Diseases in Southern Ghana

CREDIT: Documentation of Herbal Medicines Used for the Treatment and Management of Human Diseases by Some Communities in Southern Ghana Table 2 Species of plants reportedly being used by healers arranged according to their families with information on their habits, ailments treated, plant parts used, methods of preparation, and route of administration of the plants. Families Scientific names (voucher specimen #) Local names (Akuapem/Krobo) Frequency of citation (%) Habit of plant Diseases and/ailments Plant parts Methods of preparation Route of administration Acanthaceae Ruellia brevifolia  (Pohl) C. Ezcurra (A029) Mokotso (Krobo) 1.1 Herb Halitosis Leaf Infusion Nasal Aloaceae Aloe vera  L. (A001) Aloe 6.5 Herb Diabetes Diabetes Typhoid fever Baldness Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf Decoction Decoction Infusion Decoction Oral Oral Oral Topical Amaranthaceae Alternanthera pungens  Kunth. (A028) Nkassenkasee (Akuapem) 1.1 Herb Stomach ulcer W